Thousand Islands National Park is one of the representative of marine nature conservation area in Indonesia is located approximately 45 km  north Jakarta.
There are 78 large-small islands with a height of not more than there meters above sea level, and it si group of island reefs.
Caral Reef of Thousand Islands National Park
In hundreds of year ago, the islands were formed on top of coral colonies of coral animals are already dead. The colony was initially grown on the swallow sea floor, and the upper layer of surface and experienced weathering. Then on top of the rock land, growing pioneer species of shrubs, tree and there was some kind of land. The land is on islands are not the same as land which consist of land. Likewise, the wealth of plant and animals.
Generally, plants are located in the Thousand Islands National Park is dominated by coastal plants, such as nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), hibiscus (Hibicus tiliaceus), pandan ( Pandanus sp.), sea pine (Casuarina equisetifolia ), cangkudu ( Morinda citrifolia ), Butun ( Barringtonia asiatica ), bogem (Bruguiera sp.), breadfruit ( Artocarpus altilis ), ketapan ( Terminalia cattapa ), and defeated (Cerbena adollam ).

The wealth of marine life park is comprised of hard rock / soft as much as 54 species, 144 species of fish, 2 types of clams, 3 groups of algae such as Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta, 6 species of sea grasses such as Halodule sp.,Halophila sp., and Enhalus sp ., and 17 kinds of shore birds.

Maps of Thousand Island National Park
Thousand Islands National Park is a place of nesting hawksbill turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas ). Hawksbill and green turtles are endangered species and rarely found in other waters, especially the northern coast of Java Island, ditangkarkan Island Leaves Shrubs.

Captive breeding is intended to restore sea turtle populations are nearly extinct. Breeding activities include semi-natural hatchery and turtle child care until ready to be released into the wild.
Most of the beaches in this national park is protected by mangrove forests, where the living monitor lizards, snakes and gold rings python.
Behind the phenomena and the secrets of nature, actually save the Thousand Islands group of the most captivating natural beauty. Symphony tiny islands of green, waves, golden sunlight at dusk; will certainly reassure those in the Thousand Islands National Park.

Some island / attractions to be visited:

  • Scout Island, Bush Island Leaves, Coconut Island and Island Grill: Seeing the turtle breeding, animal observation and marine tourism.
  • Scout Island, Opak Island, Coral Island proud. Wreck diving the sunken ships.
  • Long Island, Island Princess, Island and Island Rainbow Silver: nautical tourism which is managed by the private sector.
  • Ants Island, Coral Island cocky, Kroja Coral Island, Pulau Besar kotok, kotok Small Island and Coral Island Action: For diving and snorkeling.
The best visiting season :
  • March to May each year. November to February each year, often large waves (dangerous), and not so good weather usually occurs in May to August.
How to reach the location: 
  • The Marina Jaya Ancol every day there is a special vessel to serve visitors who want to see the objects of nautical tourism, with travel time between 1-2 hours. Or from Muara Angke to Scout Island ferry boat about 2.5 hours.
Define Location  :
  • Thousand Island Regency of DKI Jakarta Province
  • The geographical position of 5 ° 23 '- 5 ° 40' S, 106 ° 25 '- 106 ° 37' east longitude
  • Temperature 21 ° - 34 ° C
  • Average rainfall is 3,000 mm / year
  • Elevation 0-2 meters above sea level
  • West season from November to February
  • East monsoon from May to August


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