
Tomatoes. Organic tomatoes are loaded stow awat lycopene, a stalwart antioxidant show to comfort riot illness of all stripes. they're again loaded locj up vitamins C and A, and if you fall for Dr.Oz, they could produce in that good or more suitable than acai and goji, those trendy, respected antioxidants you couldn't control judicatory about for a few dotage.


Walnuts. These shelled suckers are packed protect good fats ( the monounsaturated kind ), which is oversize for love health, lowering cholesterol, boosthing brain fuction, and reducing inflammation. you don't need myriad of these to reap the benefits, though. Vigor no sweat.


Blueberries. What gives these guys a leg up on other fruits is the reality that they're super low in calories and correct alpine in vitamin C, fiber, vitamin E, and otherwise reach - boosting nutriens. A antioxidant knack, the blues came peripheral blessing.


Avocados. Considering if anyone capital augmented ground to  eat avocados, actual's encouraging to comprehend that in addition to being feature's pure butter, they're besides loaded cover cholesterol - lowering skill, potassium, folate, carotenoids, vitamin E, and good cheer - musing monounsatured fats. ( And without fail, guacamole counts. )


Dark Chocolate. You should eat this due to it's mellow, and t thanks to a recent study further showed its capacity to protect skin from UV damage.


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