More Powerfull than Mathematician
Live as a colony of honey bees in nest the built with precision. In each nest there are thousand of hexagonal shped bag or hexagon made to store honey. But, have we ever think, why they make the bags with hegonal shape?
The mathematician looking for answers to this question, and after a lengthy calculation dihasilkanlah interesting answers! The best way to build a warehouse deposits with the largest capacity and use of building materials as little as possible is to make a hexagonal-shaped wall.
Let us compare with other forms. Suppose bees build storage pockets in the form of tubes, or like a triangular prism, is formed at the gaps between the bag and the other one, and less honey stored in them. Honey sac-shaped or square triangle could be made without leaving gaps. But here, a mathematician to realize one important thing. Of all these geometric forms, which has the smallest circumference is hexagonal. For this reason, although these forms cover the same area of ??the area, materials needed to build a hexagonal shape is less than the square or triangular. In short, a hexagonal bag is the best form to obtain the largest storage capacity, with raw materials in a minimum number of candles.
Another thing that is admirable about this honey bee is the cooperation between them in building this honey sacs. When one looks at a beehive that has been so, perhaps he thought that the house was built as a single block. When in fact, the bees start to build their homes from a different point. Hundreds of bees make homes of three or four different starting points. They continue the preparation of such buildings to meet in the middle. No errors at all in places where they met.
Bees also calculate the angle between the cavity of one another at the time to build his house. A cavity with a cavity behind it is always built with a slope of thirteen degrees from the plane. That way, both sides of the cavity are in a position tilted upward. This slope prevents the honey so as not to flow out and spill.
Communicating with Dancing
To fill these sacs with honey, bees must collect nectar, the sweet juice of the flower. This is a very big task. Recent scientific studies reveal that in order to produce half a kilogram of honey, bees must visit about four million flowers. Get any flowers this is the work of its own weight. Therefore, colonies of bees has a number of bees and bee guide searchers to eat.
How do bees find flowers food seekers in the region is so vast compared to their body size?
How do they find their way back to the nest without getting lost? How can they tell other bees about the direction of the source of interest? When we attempt to answer various questions, we will arrive at a truly amazing fact.
When a bee has found a source of interest, then the next task of bees this guide is to return to the nest and tell other bees about the location where he found the collection of such interest. Soon after returning to the hive of bees guide, he began to tell the location of the source of interest that he found the other bees. First, he let the other bees that he tasted a little nectar collected from flowers to tell them about the quality of the nectar. Then he began his main task, namely to explain the direction toward the source of interest. He did this with a very unique way, namely by dancing. Bees guides began to dance in the middle of the nest by shaking his body. Hard to believe, but movements in this dance gives other bees information about the location of the source of interest. For example, if the dance of a straight line towards the top of the nest, then the appropriate food source leads to the sun. If the interest is in the reverse direction, the bee will make the line direction. If the bees dance to the right, then this indicates that the source of interest is exactly ninety degrees to the right.
But there is one question, bee explain that direction based on the position of the sun, when the sun's position is constantly changing. Every four minutes the sun shifted one degree to the west, the factors that may bee supposed ignored in the determination of this direction. However, observations indicate that these bees also take into account the movement of the sun. When the bee guides tell the location of interest, in every four minutes, they let the angle also increased by one degree to the west. Thanks to this remarkable calculation, the bee is never lost.
Bees guide not only shows the direction of the source of interest, but also the distance to the venue. Old time dances and the amount of vibration to give directions to other bees about this distance accurately. They brought supplies of food juices just enough to cover this distance, and then start the journey.
Admirable behavior of the bees has been tested in a study in California. In this study, three containers of sugar water placed in three different places. A moment later, the bees find the source of the food guides. Bees guide who came to the first container marked point, which came second container is marked with lines, and who came third container marked with a cross. A few minutes later, the bees in the hive looks carefully observing the bees of this guide. The scientists then gave the dot in the observed bees bee guides marked point, and so, they also give other bees the same sign to that of the bee guide that they observe. A few minutes later, the bees come to the point marked the first container, which marked the arrival in the second container and the container marked with a cross in the third. So, it is evident that the bees in the hive to find direction based on information previously submitted by the bees guides.
All these facts should be carefully considered. Where did the bees get amazing organizational skills? How a tiny insect that has no intelligence or thought capable of serving as a means of finding food? How he can think to look for food sources and then share it with colleagues sesarangnya? Even if he is deemed able to think about it, how he can create a dance to tell the others about the location and distance of food source? How do the bees in the hive are able to understand the meaning of complex movements and vibrations of the bees guides?
Darwin's evolution theory which claims that life on earth occurred by chance, unable to answer this question varied. Any special skills bees shows that the Creator has given all of these properties to them.
God created, and inspire them to do their job. This fact is stated in the Qur'an:
And thy Lord inspired the bee: make the nests in the hills, on trees, and in places that people erect. Then eat from every (kind of) fruits and follow the path of your Lord who has made easy (for you). From the bee's stomach out drink (honey) that a variety of colors, in which there is healing people. Verily in this is there are actually signs of the greatness of God, for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl, 16: 68-69)
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Madbie is a Dancing bee |
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